PARISHMANAGER AUTHOR: Nathan Christopher SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: IBM compatible PC, Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later, Microsoft Access 2.0, 8MB of RAM. TYPE: Shareware; registration is $75.00 which provides the user with the latest version of ParishManager and a complete user’s guide. DESCRIPTION: ParishManager is a complete (does not include accounting software) church member management system. It’s features include the following: ParishManager (PM) is supported by an intuitive menu system. Complete information on an unlimited number of families. This includes a section for the family with name, addresses, phone, sacramental information and other family data. A family mailing code that can be used to identify families for mailings and reports; i.e. families with children in parochial schools, etc. Each individual member is also represented by their own record. Data included are name, DOB, POB, sacramental information, marital data, talents and a section to record a member’s church activities; i.e. choir, lay minister, church council, etc. The members can be identified for mailings and reports by their activity codes. Complete searches based on any field shown. Quick family and member locators using drop-down selectors. There is a complete link between the family screen and the individual’s screen of that family. A liberal use of drop-down fields to enable the user to click on data to fill fields with data that is repeated. An auto-capitalization feature to give the user the ability to type data in a field and have it automatically capitalize the first letter of each word in that field. The ability to print the existing screen or to print an envelope to the family or individual represented on the screen. Many lists to produce mailing labels or reports. There is a system to manage contributions by envelope number. This system tracks a families contributions and can produce reports on the donations of the membership as a whole and also provide the individual families with tax records of their donations. USER MODIFICATION: the primary reason that this system uses MS Access as it’s database platform is that it provides the user a fairly simple means of modifying the system to the user’s needs. For example user defined reports are easily generated with some basic knowledge of how MS Access works. Any part of the system can be modified. DOCUMENTATION: System is basically self-documented, a complete User’s Guide is available when the system is registered. REGISTRATION: This system can be used as is, but in order to get the maximum advantage, the user should register. Registration will provide a complete User’s Guide, limited telephone support and in many cases provide a means of converting the user’s existing membership base to ParishManager. Also remember to ask about the sacramental records management system. This system is used to keep track of a church's sacramental records, i.e. baptisms, marriages, etc. It enables the user to quickly find an individuals record and produce a certificate for that record. This also saves wear and tear on the original document. This system is complete, but is intended for demonstration use only before it is registered. The user can get a fairly good idea of it’s capabilities by following the intuitive scheme and using the notes in the Status Bar of the forms. A customized menu system gives the user full and easy access to the system. This system can be registered by sending $75.00 to the following address: Nathan Christopher 393 Center St. #143 Auburn, ME 04210-6169 e-mail: web site: NOTE: cost of conversion of existing membership database is based on the current hourly rate.